District Targets
District Target 1: Culture
We commit to a culture of enthusiasm and accountability, purposeful learning, winning teamwork, continuous improvement, and being all-win Marion Giants!
District Target 2: Teaching and Learning
Relationships and results: All team members will inspire and facilitate engaged, relevant, and purposeful student learning.
District Target 3: Financial Efficiency
Stewardship: We commit to wise planning, keeping our scorecards current and accurate, aligning resources to support vision and to achieve our giant targets.
District Target 4: Facility Stewardship
Curbside appeal matters! We provide clean, safe, healthy, inviting, and attractive facilities that promote optimal learning and brand Marion Giant pride!
District Target 5: Communications / Community
We will intentionally tell our story to develop a clear understanding of our mission, vision, priority objectives, and strategic plan, to keep Marion Community Schools' stakeholders current of goal progress and to promote our Marion schools brand.
District Target 6: Marketing / Promoting / Branding
We will continuously market, promote, and brand the distinctions of excellence that makes Marion Community Schools unique and special. We will be intentional to generate enthusiasm, support, and Marion Community Schools all-in and all-together Giant Pride!