Hall of Distinction » How to submit a nomination

How to submit a nomination

Induction into the Marion High School Hall of Distinction, formed in 2006, is the highest alumni honor awarded by Marion Community Schools. The Hall of Distinction seeks to honor men and women who have distinguished themselves through superb accomplishment on a local, state or national level in diverse fields of endeavor. It gives lasting recognition to alumni who have made exceptional contributions to the achievements and prestige of Marion Community Schools. It also serves to help inspire current students to aspire to similar success. An Alumni who graduated at least five years ago are eligible; non-alumni may be granted honorary status. Inductees are honored in a display at the front of the school, across from the high school office.


We welcome community members’ nominations. Nominations must be in writing, and received in the office of the Superintendent. Nominations are accepted on a continuous basis. Cutoff deadlines for yearly honors will be publicized.
Only individuals may be nominated (not couples or groups). If you would like to nominate more than one person, a separate nomination form must be submitted for each person.
PLEASE NOTE: We strongly suggest including a photo and supporting documentation, such as articles, letters of support, etc. Such documentation helps the induction committee make their decision. Nominations without supporting documentation may be deemed ineligible.  


How to submit your nomination


>> PREFERRED SUBMISSION: Click here to use our online nomination form

~ or ~

>> Click here for a printable form


NOTE: Supporting documentation must be received by the nomination deadline. If you cannot submit your nomination via email, the nomination form and all supporting documentation should be mailed to:


Patricia Gibson

Office of the Superintendent

Marion Community Schools

750 W. 26th St., Marion, IN 46953



Online display


The Marion High School Arts Hall of Fame seeks to honor alumni who are nationally recognized professional artists, as well as notable MHS arts faculty. The Giants Arts Hall of Fame opened in 2018. Inductees are honored in a display in the arts hallway. 

>> Click here for more information / nomination instructions

>> Click here to explore the MHS Arts Hall of Fame online 
The Marion High School Athletics Hall of Fame seeks to honor notable Giants athletes who found success in high school, college, semi-pros, and professional leagues. It also honors others who have contributed in a meaningful way to the Marion Giants legacy of athletics excellence. The Giants Athletics Hall of Fame opened in 2017. Inductees are honored in a display in the Bill Green Athletic Arena. 

>> Click here for more information / nomination instructions  

>> Click here to explore the Athletics Hall of Fame online