Student/School Safety
Marion Community Schools works in cooperation with local law enforcement and emergency agencies, along with social services providers and other community agencies, to provide a safe and secure setting where our students can thrive.
All school employees are given a copy of MCS's safety/emergency guidelines, which address plans for various hazards and emergencies. We practice safety drills periodically with students and staff in each building as required by law.
Marion Community Schools works in collaboration with local emergency officials on our safety and security plans.
If you don't see what you are looking for here or on the linked pages, or you need more information, contact us at 765-662-2546, ext. 8090 or contact Safety Director Ray Dudley here.
Secure buildings
All MCS school buildings have:
- Secure entrances with entry restricted by buzz-in from the main office
- Security badge access
- Security cameras
- School safety specialist on staff
- At least one school resource officer
- At least one automated external defibrillator
- Enter through the main entrance
- Check in / sign in with the school office (photo ID required)
- Wear the visitor badge provided to you
- Comply with all instructions from staff
- Please note: Visitors who refuse to sign in or wear a visitor badge will not be allowed on school property. School staff will involve security officers or law enforcement if necessary for uncooperative or confrontational visitors
- Click here for more information about visiting our buildings
Notification: Raptor Visitor Management System