Food Service
Food Service Department
Our office is located in the District Offices at Marion High School, 750 W. 26th St. (Enter Door 22.)
How to contact us: Call 765-662-2546, ext. 8025, or click here for email addresses for specific staff members.
>> For information on breakfast and lunch menus, allergen information, and more, click here.
NOTE: Due to continuing delivery challenges, last-minute substitutions are sometimes necessary for our school breakfasts and lunches. We WILL continue to provide nutritious and balanced free breakfast and lunch every school day for all Marion Community Schools students. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Food Allergen Exposure at School
>> Please click here for current information from our Food Service Department regarding food allergies at school
Online resources for parents:
- This site strives "to eliminate anaphylaxis by providing straightforward, actionable information to improve the lives of the 5.9 million children in the US suffering with food allergies."
- SnackSafely also provides the Safe Snack Guide, a list of commonly available snacks free of peanuts, tree nuts and eggs. The list is continually updated and you can sign up to be alerted when an update has been issued.
- Food Allergy Research & Education Inc. offers a wide variety of resources regarding food allergies, including:
- This site aims to provide "practical teaching tools to those who care for children with food allergies" and to "bring food allergy awareness and education to your community." It offers a variety of informational resources, including:
- An audio slideshow explaining food allergies to children.
- An audio slideshow aimed at parents in a school community addressing food allergies.
NOTE: The links above are provided for informational purposes only. The content does not necessarily represent the views of Marion Community Schools, and these links should not be construed as medical advice. A physician should be involved in any health plans, and Marion Community Schools requires physician input when making plans to accommodate food allergies for individual students.