Curriculum & Instruction
- Staff directory
- Title 1 information
- Dyslexia Services
- K-12 High Ability Program
- Reading/writing curriculum overview 2023-24
- Marion Community Schools: Federal COVID-19 Relief Spending
- Marion Community Schools: Naturalization Examination Results
- Assessment Opt-Out
- School Performance Reports (IDOE)
You may also contact the District Offices at 765-662-2546, ext. 8011. We will be glad to assist you with your concerns or questions. During the school year, our office is open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Holiday and summer office hours are 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (these hours are in effect any time the schools are closed for more than two days in a row, unless otherwise communicated).
District offices are closed on some holidays. Please see the MCS event calendar for those notifications.