Title 1 Information
What is Title 1?
Title 1 is a federally funded program provides financial assistance to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children living in low-income households to help meet the academic needs of all children. (The term Title 1 refers to where the legislation that governs this program was located, in Title 1, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act.)
Federal Title 1 funds are provided to every state, and each state then distributes Title 1 funds to school corporations. Title 1 funds are intended to provide additional services to schools that receive them. The law requires that your school also receive all of the state and local money it would receive even if it did not receive Title 1 money.
The amount of Title 1 support a school district receives is based on census data indicating the proportion children living in low-income households within the school district. In Indiana, 97% of school corporations receive Title 1 funds. Districts with the highest percentage of children living in low-income households receive the most support from Title 1. School corporations then target the Title 1 funds they receive to the schools with the highest percentage of children living in low-income households. In addition, under Title 1, participating public school corporations are required to provide supplemental educational services for eligible private school students who live within their district boundaries.
¿Qué es el Título I?
Which Marion schools are supported by the Title 1 program?
¿Qué escuelas de Marion cuentan con el apoyo del programa Título 1?
What happens at a Title 1 school?
In short, administrators, teachers, and Title 1 staff work to:
- Identify students most in need of academic help, regardless of income
- Measure student progress with state and local standards
- Set goals for improvement
- Implement research-based targeted instruction to supplement regular classroom instruction
- Engage in continuing professional education so that educators can grow their knowledge and skills
- Involve parents in all aspects of the school's Title 1 program
¿Qué sucede en una escuela de Título 1?
- Identificar a los estudiantes que más necesitan ayuda académica, independientemente de sus ingresos
- Medir el progreso de los estudiantes con los estándares estatales y locales
- Establecer objetivos de mejora
- Implementar instrucción específica basada en investigaciones para complementar la instrucción regular en el salón de clases
- Participar en la educación profesional continua para que los educadores puedan aumentar sus conocimientos y habilidades
- Involucrar a los padres en todos los aspectos del programa Título 1 de la escuela
How is the effect of Title 1 tracked?
¿Cómo se rastrea el efecto del Título 1?
What role do families play?
Family involvement is a critical component of Title 1 programs, because the more involved that parents and caregivers are in their child's education, the more success a child will have in school!
Schools receiving Title 1 support are required to have procedures for the involvement of parents in school-related programs and activities. Schools may also provide opportunities for parents and caregivers to increase their knowledge and skills related to their children's education.
¿Qué papel juegan las familias?
How can families get involved?
We encourage all parents and caregivers to become an active player in their child's education. You can become more involved by:
- Reviewing your student's grades and assignments frequently
- Attending parent-teacher conferences (which are regularly offered every semester, but you can request one at any time, just contact your teacher! Click here for our staff contact page.)
- Communicating with your child's teacher regularly by writing notes or using telephone or email. Click here for our staff contact page.
- Keeping your child's teacher informed about events in his or her life that may affect his/her academic support needs
- Attending your school's family activities
- Joining parent organizations
- Volunteering at school
- Attending annual Title 1 meetings / joining your school's Title 1 advisory committee
- Contact your school building if you want more information about any of these opportunities!
¿Cómo pueden participar las familias?
Alentamos a todos los padres y cuidadores a convertirse en un actor activo en la educación de sus hijos. Puedes involucrarte más al:
- Revisar las calificaciones y tareas de su estudiante con frecuencia
- Asistir a las conferencias de padres y maestros (que se ofrecen regularmente cada semestre, pero puede solicitar una en cualquier momento, ¡simplemente comuníquese con su maestro! Haga clic aquí para acceder a la página de contacto de nuestro personal.)
- Comunicarse con el maestro de su hijo regularmente escribiendo notas o usando el teléfono o el correo electrónico. Haga clic aquí para acceder a la página de contacto de nuestro personal.
- Mantener informado al maestro de su hijo sobre eventos en su vida que puedan afectar sus necesidades de apoyo académico
- Asistir a las actividades familiares de tu escuela.
- Unirse a organizaciones de padres
- voluntariado en la escuela
- Asistir a las reuniones anuales de Título 1 / unirse al comité asesor de Título 1 de su escuela
- ¡Comuníquese con el edificio de su escuela si desea obtener más información sobre cualquiera de estas oportunidades!
Additional resources
- Marion Community Schools Title 1 documents:
- Marion Community Schools Student Handbooks
- Learn More Indiana
- Indiana Academic Standards
- Student Learning and Pathways - Indiana Department of Education
- What is ILEARN? An overview of Indiana's student assessment
- What is IREAD? An overview of Indiana's student reading assessment
- U.S. Department of Education parent resources
- PBS Parents
- Developmental Assets Framework
Recursos adicionales
- Carta del derecho a saber de los padres del Título 1 de las Escuelas de la Comunidad de Marion
- Título 1 política de participación de los padres y compacto de las Escuelas de la Comunidad de Marion
- Título 1 Procedimientos de Quejas de las Escuelas de la Comunidad de Marion
- Aprende Más Indiana
- Estándares académicos de Indiana
- Caminos y aprendizaje de los estudiantes - Departamento de Educación de Indiana
- ¿Qué es ILEARN? Una descripción general de la evaluación de los estudiantes de Indiana
- ¿Qué es IREAD? Una descripción general de la evaluación de lectura de los estudiantes de Indiana
- Recursos para padres del Departamento de Educación de EE. UU.
- PBS Para Padres
- Marco de Valores de Desarrollo