What to Expect at a Board Meeting
The Board of Education of the Marion Community Schools welcomes your attendance. Click the links below for more information.
When and where are Board meetings conducted?
What is the School Board?
The Marion Community Schools Board of School Trustees is an elected governmental body charged with providing educational programs for children who reside within the corporation boundaries. Members are elected in November and take office in January. Elections are staggered. There are a total of seven elected members who serve four-year terms, and elections are held at two-year intervals. Elections are held in even years (i.e. 2024, 2026, etc.), but not all seven seats are up for election in every election cycle. To find out when current board members' terms expire, click here to view the bios, where term expiration dates are listed.
What is accomplished at Board meetings?
Board meetings are for the purpose of hearing reports, acting upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, adopting the annual budget and tax rates, and authorizing the spending of funds. Any matter may come before the Board, yet the Board's responsibility is as a policy making entity. Operational school related issues are handled through administrative channels, and patrons are encouraged to utilize the contact information contained herein to assist them.
What is the role of the Superintendent?
The Superintendent is a professional educator employed by the Board to carry out adopted policies and is responsible for leading and managing the day-to-day operations of the schools. Through input and consultation with Board members, the Superintendent prepares the agenda for each Board meeting. The Superintendent can assist patrons by helping to direct their comments and concerns to the appropriate personnel, or responding himself.
How do I get my questions answered?
Most issues and questions are resolved at the building level. Parents and patrons are encouraged to contact teachers and principals as a first step. Principals are authorized and expected to make decisions for their students. Questions that are not resolved by the building level personnel may be directed to the proper personnel in the District Office. Parents and patrons are encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions via email. Click here for a list of district email addresses.
We look forward to working with you!
Can I request to speak at a Board meeting?
The School Board accepts requests to speak at the Board meetings that are open to the public. The School Board President reviews all such requests, per Board bylaws, policy 0167.3. Each meeting's agenda includes time for public comments, as outlined in Board bylaws and in accordance with Indiana law.