High School Information
Contact Us / Visit Us
- Teacher
- Building Principal
- Superintendent
- Board Member
Vision, Mission, and Motto
Assignment of Students
The high school principal shall assign students to the appropriate grade, classes or groups consistent with the directions received from the Superintendent. In all cases, assignment of students shall be made in the manner that will afford each student the greatest likelihood of realizing his/her potential. (Board Policy 5120)
Student Day
- Students should NOT be dropped off before doors open. Entry areas are not supervised before then. Any students in the building earlier than 8:30 a.m. must be with a staff member, coach, or club sponsor.
- Every student is expected to be ready to begin when class starts. (This means they need to be dropped off a few minutes earlier than that, so they have time to get to class!) Students arriving late must check in at the main office. Please contact our school office if you need clarification on specific tardy procedures.
Lost and Found
Breakfast / Lunch
Student Vehicle Use
Messages and Deliveries for Students
Absence Reporting
General reminders
- Parents are encouraged to plan and schedule family trips, vacations, and activities during times that do not cause a student to be absent from school. Days missed will be counted as absences. For unavoidable pre-planned absences, we ask that you report your plans via an absence form available from the attendance office at least six days prior to the scheduled absence.
- Students must maintain 95% attendance over their high school career to be considered for the waiver process.
- Students must report to their scheduled classes and lunch on time. Students are not allowed to leave the lunch room without permission.
- Every effort should be made to schedule medical, dental, and other appointments outside the school day. Appointments may be verified by the school.
Makeup work
Tardy Policy
1st / warning from teacher; auto phone call
2nd / warning from teacher; auto phone call
3rd / warning from teacher; auto phone call; personal phone call made to the home by the teacher
4th / personal phone call made to the home by the teacher
5th / referral to administrator for disciplinary action; one day In-School Suspension (ISS)
6 or more tardies / referral to administrator for disciplinary action; additional days of ISS possible
Truancy Policy
Further, Indiana Code 20-33-2-11 defines habitual truant as "a student who is chronically absent, by having unexcused absences from school for more than ten (10) days of school in one (1) school year.” (Click here for more attendance information.)
1st (one day or seven periods truant) / phone call; conference with parent/guardian
3rd (three days or 21 periods truant) / May result in ISS; attendance contract; absence letter sent
4th (four days or 28 periods truant) / MHS parking permit revoked; may be assigned two days ISS
5th (five days or 35 periods truant) / absence letter sent
6th (six days or 42 periods truant) / probationary status checked; may result is ISS, OSS, or other disciplinary actions
10th (ten days or 70 periods truant) / probation referral; additional truancy can result in OSS pending expulsion; driver’s license may be revoked
Behavior Expectations
On the Bus
- Sit in your assigned seat immediately.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Report all problems to the bus driver.
- Follow all bus rules (click here for details).
- Be on time to the bus.
- Remain in dress code.
- Be sure to have a written note from your parent/guardian if you are going to ride a different bus.
- Keep food and drink sealed on the bus.
- Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- Use appropriate volume, tone, and polite language.
- Respect the bus and the driver.
- Show consideration for other people’s property.
- During school, leave the building only when permission is granted.
- Walk on the sidewalk. Watch for moving vehicles in parking lots, and follow all traffic laws.
- Prepare for weather and wear appropriate attire.
- Clean up after yourself and others.
- Register your vehicle and display a valid MHS parking tag at all times.
- Park only in one spot and only in designated student parking areas.
- Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- Use polite language.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Show consideration for other people’s property.
- Respect the facility and grounds.
- Enter only at designated doors.
- If a line forms, stand on sidewalks or in designated areas, not in driving lanes.
- Proceed in an orderly fashion through the entry way.
- Wipe your feet at the door to avoid slipping in the hallways.
- If entering before the first bell, go directly to the cafeteria
- After the first bell, go directly to your locker to put away your coat and get materials for class.
- Be on time for your classes.
- Silence all electronic devices.
- Report to the main office if you are arriving late to school.
- Speak in conversational voices.
- Remove your hat once inside.
- Listen to announcements and follow instructions from staff.
Moment of Silence / Pledge of Allegience
Students will be given a daily opportunity to recite voluntarily the Pledge of Allegiance in each classroom or on school grounds. The principal will determine the appropriate time when school is in session for the recitation of the Pledge.
- The student chooses not to participate; or
- The student’s parent chooses to have the student not participate.
During the Pledge of Allegiance, a student participating in the recitation of the Pledge should face the flag with their right hand over their heart or in an appropriate salute if in uniform.
- Walk, keep to the right side of the hall.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Talk to your classmates out of the way of traffic.
- Move efficiently in the hallways.
- Clean up after yourself and others.
- Get to class on time.
- Remain in dress code.
- Keep food and drink out of the hallways.
- Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- Use appropriate volume, tone, and polite language.
- Follow all school rules at all times.
- Respect the facility.
- Have pass in hand when in hall any time other than passing periods.
- Enter the classroom in an orderly fashion.
- Sit in your assigned seat immediately.
- Follow all classroom rules.
- Be aware of evacuation routes from any specific classroom you are in. Information should be posted clearly on a classroom wall. If you do not see such information, please alert your teacher.
- Attend school and class every day on time.
- Have your books, writing utensils, notebooks, and homework ready at the start of class.
- Remain in dress code.
- Keep food and drink out of the classroom.
- Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- Keep your head up and stay awake during class.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Raise your hand to participate.
- Use appropriate volume, tone, and polite language.
- Wash your hands after using the restroom.
- Use the restroom during passing periods; if you have been given a pass to visit the restroom any other time, you must carry your pass with you.
- Clean up after yourself.
- If you notice a large mess, please inform your teacher or the main office.
- Follow instructions from staff.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Respect the facility.
- Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- Form organized line.
- Remain seated inside the cafeteria.
- Have your lunch money or ID ready to pay for lunch.
- Clean up after yourself and others.
- Listen to the announcements.
- Remain in dress code.
- Use the restrooms in the east hallway only.
- Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- Use appropriate volume, tone, and polite language.
- Respect the facility.
- Take your tray up and put trash in the trash cans.
- Keep food and drink inside the cafeteria unless otherwise instructed.
Computer Lab
- Access appropriate websites.
- Keep backpack and belongings out of aisle way.
- Push in chair when not in use and when you leave.
- Never provide personal information unless you are sure you are on a verified website.
- Beware of phishing scams; do not click links or open attachments in suspicious emails.
- Follow staff instructions regarding logoff procedures. Never leave the area without logging out of any accounts or websites.
- No food or drink allowed in computer area.
- Seek teacher approval before downloading or uploading any programs or files.
- Click here for more information from the MCS Technology Department.
- Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- Be considerate of others.
- Use equipment and materials properly.
- Use appropriate volume and language..
Media Center / Learning Commons / Library
- Keep backpack and belongings out of walkway.
- Push in chairs when not in use and when you leave.
- Library materials may be checked out for 14 days with the option of renewal. An overdue notice will be delivered for materials that are not returned on time. If a student has a book overdue for more than four weeks, or the book is returned damaged, he or she will be sent a bill for the cost of the book.
- Theft or attempted theft of library materials or ripping pages from magazines and security tags from books will be treated as vandalism. Vandalism is a disciplinary and potentially criminal issue. See MCS Rules, Consequences, and Supports.
- The library’s computers and printers are for research or classroom use only. Students who are found using web materials inappropriately will face possible loss of library computer privileges.
- Be considerate of others.
- Use equipment and materials properly.
- Use appropriate volume and language.
- No food or drink (unless part of an event held in the library)
- A respectful learning environment is to be observed. Come to the library to study, do research, work on class projects, or read.
- Leave the building in a timely manner; no students are allowed to stay after school without supervision from a staffer, coach, or club sponsor. If you are waiting for a ride more than a few minutes after dismissal, you must report to the main office area to do so.
- Proceed in an orderly fashion.
- Walk on sidewalks and use marked crosswalks. Go directly to your bus or other vehicle.
- Watch for moving vehicles and obey all traffic laws.
- If walking or biking, proceed directly off campus, and be aware of your surroundings.
- Do not leave class prior to dismissal.
- Take home assignments, books, and other materials needed to complete your work.
- If you are staying after school, proceed directly to the meeting place where the responsible adult is waiting. Students cannot be in the building unattended by a staffer, coach, or club sponsor.
- Listen to announcements and follow instructions from staff.
- Use conversational voices while exiting.
- Use care when opening and closing doors. No slamming, shoving, etc.
- Clean up after yourself and others.
Extracurricular Activities
- Follow all school rules and the athletic code.
- Arrive and depart on time using appropriate entrances and exits
- Silence electronic devices.
- Be on time and be prepared.
- Show civil behavior toward all officials, opponents, and authority figures.
- Listen to announcements and follow instructions from staff.
- Behave appropriately to the setting and according to the student handbook.
- Show school spirit and sportsmanship.
- Appreciate participants’ efforts.
Graduation Requirements
REQUIREMENT 1: High School Diploma
REQUIREMENT 2: Learn and Demonstrate Employability Skills
- Complete the Project-Based Learning or Service-Based Learning requirement (several courses MHS offers count toward this requirement; see the MHS Course Description guide here)
- Complete an internship (Work-Based Learning)
- Obtain the work ethic certification
- Hold employment outside the school day (verification required)
REQUIREMENT 3: Post-Secondary Competencies
- Fulfill requirements of Academic or Technical Honors Diploma (see diploma requirements here)
- Complete and hold the scores of one of the following tests:
- SAT score of 480 in ELA and 530 in Math
- ACT score of 18 in English, 22 in Reading, 22 in Math, 23 in Science (must meet 2 of the 4)
- ASVAB 31+
- Earn a state or industry recognized certification
- Complete an apprenticeship
- Earn at least 6 high school credits in a career pathway with a C average or higher
- Earn a C average or higher in at least 3 AP or DC courses (one of these must be in core content)
Student Services / School Counseling
Change of Course Guidelines
Students who want to drop or change a class once school starts must meet with their counselor to discuss the reason for the request and obtain a Course Change Form. Once the Course Change Form is returned with the appropriate signatures the students schedule will be adjusted.
- Schedule conflicts
- Physical inability to take a class due to accident or illness
- A faculty member may initiate a change if, in the opinion of the faculty member, a student is inappropriately placed
- Extenuating circumstances
- Teacher Preference
- Period Preference
Course Change Procedure (beginning first day of school)
- Week 1 - No record or grade
- Week 2 THROUGH 1st midterm - Grade of “W” with no effect on GPA
- After 1st midterm - WF-withdraw/fail, counts as an F on GPA
Students enrolling in yearlong courses are expected to remain in those courses for the entire year unless there is a clear indication that the student is failing the course at the end of the semester and the teacher recommends that the student not continue.
Early Graduation
Earning College Credit While in High School
Foreign Exchange Students
Grade-Point Average (GPA)
- A = 4 points
- B = 3 points
- C = 2 points
- D = 1 point
- F = 0 points
Weighted grade calculations
- Weighted grades will only be awarded for courses that have been offered and are available through Marion High School. Therefore, if a student transfers into Marion with weighted grades, only those courses listed as a Weighted Course for Marion High School would transfer in as a weighted grade.
- To receive the weighted grade in an AP, a student MUST take the AP examination.
- For a complete list of weighted classes, review the current Course Description Guide
Honor Roll
- High Honor Roll: 3.6 GPA
- Regular Honor Role: 3.2 GPA
Post-secondary Planning (Weighted Grades, Class Rank, GPA)
Valedictorian and Salutatorian status
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities
Student organizations
Please note: Student activities, clubs, or club sports that are not school sponsored or sanctioned are not governed by Marion Community Schools student participation guidelines and policies.
Participation in school athletics
Student Publications