Student Handbook » Little Giants Preschool information

Little Giants Preschool information

Office hours:
  • Little Giants Preschool office hours (located at the District Office at Marion High School, Door 22) are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during the school year, except holidays.
  • At all Marion Community Schools elementary buildings, office hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday during the school year.
Talk to a teacher: Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher. However, please understand that teachers may be unable to speak with you if they have students, but will return your call or respond to your message as soon as possible. See the above link for contact information for individual staff members.
Visit us: Parents are invited to visit their school, but we ask that all visitors follow certain procedures. Click here for more information.  
Meet with a teacher: Parents wanting to meet with their child’s teacher must call the office and set an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. This is a requirement written into the teacher contract which the administration is required to honor in good faith.   
Attend class: Parents are welcome to come and watch their child’s class. Parents interested in this opportunity will need to contact the principal to make arrangements about observations.

Questions/concerns: Communication is the key to developing a partnership between educators and parents, and we encourage parents to be involved in their student’s education.
If you have a question or concern dealing with in-class events, we would ask you to talk with the teacher first. If you feel your question or concern was not handled to your expectations, we would then ask you to follow the chain of communications established by MCS:
  1. Teacher
  2. Building Principal and/or Little Giants District Office if applicable
  3. Superintendent
  4. Board Member
Your cooperation and support will greatly enhance our success in meeting the needs of the students. We are looking forward to serving you and your family. 
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to Little Giants Preschool! We know that this is an exciting time your family's life, as your child prepares to enter the world outside your home. The staff at LGP is made up of individuals who know and love children. Their goal is to help your child grow by providing an exciting and stimulating program.
Participation in Little Giants Preschool is an opportunity for both children and families to explore new roles. The atmosphere is safe, caring, and encourages growth in families as well as children.
This handbook presents information that we hope will be helpful to you. It explains policies, procedures, and expectations that guide the functioning of Little Giants. Please review the section carefully for additional policies and procedures. 
We want you to be an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in your child's education, because you, the parent/guardian, are your child's most important teacher. We will offer you opportunities to volunteer in the classroom, on field trips, and in many other areas. You are always welcome as an observer and a volunteer in the classroom. Teachers will welcome any questions, comments, or suggestions.
Our best wishes are extended to each of you for a successful and happy Little Giants experience. We are looking forward to serving your family. 
The Little Giants Preschool staff
Students should not be dropped off more than 5 minutes early. 
  • Morning classes: 7:40 to 10:40 a.m.
  • Afternoon classes: 11:25 a.m. to 2:25 p.m.
  • Full-day classes: 7:40 a.m. to 2:25 p.m.
Attendance/Tardies: See the Social Services Information section below for this information.
Parents are required to notify the school office when a child is absent from school.
Please call the school office between 7 and 8 a.m. (Do not call the LGP district office for absence reports.)
If a call cannot be made, you can send a message to your school's attendance secretary or send a note to school with the child on the day he/she returns explaining the absence.

General Information

The education component of Little Giants Preschool provides educational experiences for preschool children. Each child is given a developmental screening, which helps the education staff differentiate instruction for each child. Activities are planned to provide enriching experiences in all areas of child development. Emphasis is given to preparing your child to be successful in kindergarten. The curriculum is based on Indiana's Early Learning Standards
There is one teacher and at least one educational assistant staff in each classroom. Little Giants Preschool offers both full-day and half-day sessions. Half-day classes are scheduled for three hours per day, morning (7:40 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.) and afternoon (11:25 to 2:25 p.m.). Full-day classes run from 7:40 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. **NOTE: Arrival and dismissal times and procedures will vary based on building. 
The environment at Little Giants is one in which children are encouraged to look at new experiences with a sense of wonder, curiosity, questioning and excitement. The classroom is a place where children can exchange ideas, learn to express themselves, and communicate with others. It is a place where children can construct, be creative, and experience age appropriate social situations. There is opportunity for children to work alone, in small groups, or with the entire class.
The Little Giants program goals focus on developing skills in each of the following areas:
  1. Social-Emotional Development: Sense of self, responsibility for self and others, prosocial behavior
  2. Physical Development: Gross motor skills (large muscle), and fine motor skills (small muscle)
  3. Cognitive Development: Learning and problem solving, logical thinking, representation and symbolic thinking
  4. Language Development: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing

Interest Areas in the Classroom (as written in Creative Curriculum)
  1. Blocks: Children’s building goes through distinct stages. Children create designs and build what they see around them (i.e., roads, homes, and a zoo).
  2. Dramatic Play: Pretend play is the way children make sense of their experiences. Children take on roles and pretend about a situation, use props, and play with other children.
  3. Toys and Games: These materials teach math, develop eye-hand coordination, and promote small muscle skills. Some are self-correcting and some are open-ended. 
  4. Art: Children need time to explore and experiment with different art materials. Creative art is the way children express their own ideas and feelings.  Adults should not impose their own ideas and feelings. There are predictable stages in children’s artwork. 
  5. Library: Children develop valuable literacy skills and a love for books. It is a quiet place to get away and enjoy books. 
  6. Discovery: This is an area where children can make discoveries and experiment with materials. Adults can encourage a sense of wonder with children.
  7. Sand and Water: These are soothing materials that calm children. There are scientific and mathematical discoveries children can make.
  8. Music and Movement: Children develop coordination and learn concepts through songs. They develop listening skills and an appreciation of different kinds of music.
  9. Cooking: Children learn literacy and math skills following recipes. Children make scientific discoveries in cooking. Preparing and eating food is very satisfying.
  10. Computers: Computers are a part of everyday life. The software selected engages children in active learning. Children can work together on the computer.
  11. Outdoors: Outdoor time is important for children’s health and well-being. Children can learn about nature first-hand. They develop their large muscle skills and coordination.
Little Giants students who are enrolled in a full-day classroom will have a nap/rest time in their schedule. Children will be encouraged to, but not forced to, rest or nap. Staff will provide alternative quiet learning activities for children who do not need to or want to nap. Some examples of alternative activities could be books, dry erase boards, quiet toys, iPad, etc.
If a student continues to struggle during naptime a parent meeting will be set up to discuss alternative placement or change in day/time.
Little Giants Preschool follows the guidelines for disabling conditions that the local school systems also follow. A child may qualify for special services through the Grant County Special Education Cooperative if they meet the criteria in one or more of the following areas:
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Speech Impairment
  • Language Impairment
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disability
  • Deaf or Hard of Hearing
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Blind or Low Vision
  • Deaf-Blind
During the course of the school year, your child will have a developmental screening and other assessments. If there is a suspected difficulty, the parent/guardian will be notified to discuss what course of action should be taken to meet the child’s individual needs.
When a suspected disability is confirmed, an Individual Educational Plan will be written with the parent/guardian to develop goals and educational plans for the child. Parent/guardian participation is very important at this time. The collaborative work of parents/guardians and school personnel is the best way to ensure educational success for your child.
A field trip is an educational experience that helps a child learn about his/her community, experience new activities, and broaden his/her vocabulary. When educational field trips are planned for the children, parents/guardians will receive notification in advance. Permission slips for each field trip must be signed by a parent or guardian in order for the child to attend the field trip. DUE TO MARION COMMUNITY SCHOOL’S LIABILITY INSURANCE, ONLY LITTLE GIANTS CHILDREN, PARENTS AND ADULT VOLUNTEERS MAY GO ON FIELD TRIPS. All Little Giants children will ride school buses to minimize liability concerns. Volunteers are needed for most field trips. Please contact your child’s teacher if you can help with the trip. Every adult volunteer that wishes to attend a field trip must have a criminal background check completed. You may get a criminal background check form from the Little Giants staff member. 
You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Little Giants Preschool supports you in this role by scheduling classroom conferences with your child’s teacher. You will be updated on your child’s progress in school, and you will be given ideas and activities to help you work with your child. Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled in advance.
Sometimes pets may be shared with the children. Parents/guardians need to inform their child’s teacher about any fears or allergy conditions their child may have. Before pets can be brought to the classroom, parents/guardians must contact the teacher so a special time can be planned. The State of Indiana requires that animals subject to rabies be immunized. Animals must be secured in a manner that prevents any possible injury to the children or animals. Turtles are not allowed.
  1. Do not bring your child more than 5 minutes early. Please be sure to pick up your child promptly when your child’s class is dismissed.  
  2. You must come in to sign your child in at the beginning of his/her session and out at the end. Please sign both your first and last names and write down a telephone number where you can be reached during the class session. Siblings should not bring a Preschool student into the school.
  3. Your child will be released ONLY to the individuals on the Pick-up Authorization form. If your child is going to be picked up by someone not on the Pick-up Authorization form, your child’s teacher must be notified in writing. To add someone by phone to the Authorization for Pick Up list, you must provide your family’s password to a Little Giants staff member. You will choose a password when filling out the form.
    Please make sure to keep your Pick-up Authorization form up-to-date.
  4. A child will not be released to anyone who appears to be intoxicated or impaired.
All of these procedures are in place to make sure your child is safe.
Thank you for your cooperation in following these steps.
As a Little Giants parent / guardian, you are encouraged to:
  1. Volunteer time to the Little Giants program.
  2. Attend parent / guardian meetings.
  3. Attend parent / guardian education workshops.
  4. Accompany your child to doctors and dentists.
As a Little Giant parent / guardian, you are expected to:
  1. Ensure that your child’s arrival and departure times adhere to the school schedule
  2. Inform the school concerning absences.
  3. Inform the school immediately concerning changes in your address and/or phone number.
  4. Participate in parent/teacher conferences.
Please dress your child appropriately for school. Many of the activities we do are messy. Paint, clay, paste, and playing outside require clothing that is washable and comfortable. The children spend time sitting on the floor. Please remember that the floors can get very cold during the winter months. Please try to cover little legs with tights, leg warmers, or pants. Be sure to put your child’s name on outside clothing. An extra outfit (or 2!) of clothes (including underwear & socks) should be left at school or in your child’s backpack. Little ones are likely to have accidents or spills that require a change of clothing.
Suggestions for appropriate dress:
  • Pants with elastic waist
  • Belts with small buckles (child should be able to open) 
  • Shoes with rubber soles
  • Sweaters or coats with large buttons
  • Jacket or sweater in warm weather, heavier coats for cold weather, hats, mittens, or heavy socks (Keep in mind the temperature and dress accordingly.)
  • If dresses are worn in cold weather, girls should have their legs covered (tights or leggings)

Little Giants Disciplinary Policies

This discipline procedure is required to be followed by parents/guardians while at any Little Giants Preschool activity.
Little Giants Preschool utilizes Conscious Discipline in all of our classrooms. Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach that provides an array of behavior management strategies and classroom structures that teachers utilize to turn everyday situations into learning opportunities.
Conscious Discipline helps shift from reactive punitive procedures to proactive strategies:
  1. Noticing: Helping children become aware of their actions
  2. Visual Reminders: Pictures that can assist children in knowing what is  expected of them.
  3. Role Play: Act out or perform the desired behavior
  4. Modeling: Demonstrating for the child the appropriate behavior
The following strategies are used to correct unwanted behaviors:­­­­
  1. Redirection: When children are displaying challenging behaviors, they will be given alternate options.
  2. Logical Consequences: A consequence that occurs is related to the inappropriate behavior.
  3. Time Away: The child and adult will take time away from the activity for a few minutes until he/she is ready to return to a group activity.
Staff will never use physical punishment such as corporal punishment. In addition, staff will not isolate, belittle, name call, mock children, or anything else that would be characterized as being emotionally abusive.   
If the above discipline techniques are not effective, then a behavior plan will be developed by a team composed of any or all of these people: parent, administrator, teacher, nurse, and mental health coordinator. Options of community resources will be presented to parent(s)/guardian(s) as an additional resource of support for their student.
If a child is endangering him/herself or others, it may be necessary for a staff member to move the child in order to keep everyone safe. When a child is engaging in behavior that creates an unsafe environment, a phone call will be made to the mental health coordinator, mental health support specialist, the preschool director, or the building principal or assistant principal. They will give direction as to the next steps. If necessary, a parent will be called. If all interventions are unsuccessful, based on the circumstances, a decision will be made to have the family come to the school and be with the child in class or take the child home. If the child goes home, the mental health coordinator or support specialist will follow up with the family as needed. If the unsafe behaviors become a pattern, the mental health coordinator will work with the teacher and parents to develop a plan for the student. Once the plan is in place, they will meet again in two weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and make changes as needed. The mental health coordinator will also utilize other community resources as needed. 
Some children may not be developmentally ready for our preschool schedule.  Because of this, we have developed a safety contract for our families to sign. 
Your child’s teacher will discuss your child’s behavior if there are any concerns.  If your child’s teacher is seeing a pattern of behavior that is not safe and as a result limits his or her learning or that of the other students in the class, the following plan of action will be set in place.
  1. The classroom teacher will schedule a meeting with the parent(s)/guardian(s). Together the teacher and parent will develop a plan for success that will be implemented for two weeks.
  2. If the student continues to struggle, a second meeting will be scheduled with the parent(s)/guardian(s), the teacher, the mental health consultant, and possibly the Program Director or Principal. We will discuss what is working and what we can adjust to ensure success.  We will implement the new ideas for two to three weeks.
  3. If the student continues to struggle, a third meeting will be scheduled. At this meeting we will determine an alternate class placement or schedule. This may include reducing the day or a delayed start time.
  4. The classroom teacher and mental health coordinator will meet with the parents 30 days after the change in schedule or placement. We will evaluate if the new placement or alternative schedule is helping the child be successful. It will be determined whether to continue in the present placement/schedule or make necessary changes.
  5. If the child is on a reduced day or delayed start, the mental health coordinator will continue to meet with the parents every 30 days to keep the parents informed of behavior concerns as well as ideas to best support the child.
* After the second or third meeting, options of community resources will be presented to parent(s)/guardians(s) as an additional resource of support for their student.

This process may be shortened if the director and mental health coordinator assess the behaviors to be unsafe to the point of needing to reduce the day more immediately.

Health Information

Little Giants Preschool believes in early intervention and prevention. Children grow rapidly during the preschool years. Your child will be screened for speech and hearing after he/she has been coming to school for a few weeks. If there is concern with your child’s hearing or speech, staff members will talk to you about a more formal evaluation.
An important part of early intervention and prevention is maintaining up-to-date immunizations. By state law, all students must be properly immunized in order to enroll in school. Click here to view the Health section of this handbook for more information on specific required immunizations.
Head Start believes that every child must be healthy to take full advantage of our program. To promote good health, the Health Coordinator screens and monitors your child’s health during the Head Start year.
To ensure children’s health, each child is required to be up to date on physical and dental examinations by a doctor BEFORE entering the program. Preschoolers should have a well-child exam done by their doctor every year and a routine dental exam every 6 months by their dentist. A Head Start physical and dental form was given to you at orientation. Contact your doctor and dentist to fill out a form from the most recent visit or to schedule an appointment, if needed. Head Start must receive your completed forms for your enrollment to be considered complete. After the forms are received by our office, our Health Coordinator will review the forms and take note of any follow-up work that your child needs. The Health Coordinator or Social Services personnel will discuss your child’s needs with you.
We strive for all of our students to be self- sufficient in using the restroom and clean up by themselves.  If your child is not self-sufficient, you may be required to have a meeting with the Health Coordinator to come up with a potty plan to assist in accomplishing the goal of being self-sufficient. Until your child is completely self-sufficient, we may have to call you to come in during the day to help them if they have an accident and need cleaning up.
The independence of a “potty-trained” student means that the child must have the awareness to use the bathroom without reminders, be able to manage and clothe themselves without help, and have the ability to wipe or clean themselves appropriately to maintain clean hygiene.
If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, he/she cannot come to Little Giants Preschool. Your child’s temperature must return to normal (96 to 99 degrees) without the use of medication, and stay at that temperature for 24 hours before your child returns to school. If your child’s fever is 104 degrees or higher, call your doctor immediately.
The following symptoms or signs of illness are cause for 24 hour exclusion:
  • Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within a twenty four hour period)
  • Conjunctivitis (reddened, swollen, matted, itchy eyes)
  • Temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Vomiting
If your child has any of the following symptoms, please watch your child carefully. If the symptoms continue for more than one day, you should call your doctor.  
  • pain
  • rash, redness
  • chicken pox
  • cough
  • itching
  • pink eye
  • bad stomach ache
  • fever (100 or above)
  • ringworm
  • diarrhea or vomiting
  • lice
  • scabies
  • sore throat    

Little Giants will send a child home if the staff member suspects a child is contagious. If your child becomes ill while at Little Giants, they will be removed from the presence of other children and will be taken to a safe place with adult supervision. You will be contacted to pick up your child if they becomes ill at school.  
The Little Giants Staff cannot give any medication without signed permission from the parent/guardian and written authorization by a doctor. Click here to view the Health section of this handbook for more information on in-school use of medication, including how to provide such permission.
In the case of a medical emergency at school, the staff will evaluate the severity of the emergency. If the emergency is life threatening, an ambulance will be called immediately. Parents/guardians will be notified in the most expedient manner possible. For this reason, it is very important to leave a number on the sign-in sheet where you can be reached for the time your child is in Little Giant Preschool. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, then the emergency phone numbers listed on the child’s emergency contact list will be called.

NOTE: Click here to view the Health section of this handbook for basic information about lice. The additional information below is provided by LGP:
Head lice are wingless insects that lay eggs in hair and are approximately the size of a typed letter “o”.  They can be brownish, grayish, or translucent in color.  The eggs hatch in 7 to 10 days.
Severe itching of the scalp is the main symptom of lice. Very small tan or grayish white eggs called “nits” attach tightly to the hair shaft near the scalp. Nits may look like little pieces of lint or dry skin, but they cannot be brushed away.
How lice are transmitted
Head lice cannot fly or jump, but can crawl rapidly. Direct contact with an infested individual or contact with their combs, hats, coats, brushes, car seats, sofas, chairs, beds, covers, pillows, and/or carpets can result in the transmission of head lice. Head lice are not choosy; anyone is a potential home for these insects no matter where they live or how clean they may keep themselves or their homes. Having head lice does not necessarily mean a person is “dirty”.
When lice are contagious
Head lice are contagious as long as the lice or eggs remain live.
If a child is suspected of having lice, the teacher or Health Coordinator will remove the child from the classroom to have a thorough check. Once the child has been determined to have lice, the Health Coordinator will contact and inform the parent. The parent will be given the option to pick their child up from school. A lice kit will be offered to the parent and an informational pamphlet will be given.  
The student may return the morning after treatment has started. Nits that are a quarter of an inch or closer to the scalp must be removed. The school nurse or director must approve the child returning to school by checking to see if there are still live lice or eggs.  
What to do if your child has lice 
There are many good products to use to kill the lice and nits. Carefully follow the directions on the product you choose to use. Some shampoos will only kill the live lice, and you will need to retreat with the product after 7-10 days, when the nits have hatched. Most products can be purchased at any drug store. If you receive Medicaid, call your doctor for a prescription and Medicaid will pay for the products.
WARNING: No treatment should be used on infants, pregnant women, or nursing mothers. Contact your doctor for help with these situations.
  1. Don’t panic, and don’t blame your child.
  2. Check the scalp of all other household members. This is a difficult task and requires time and patience. A flashlight and magnifying glass may be helpful. Treat family members accordingly.
  3. Read the directions and use the product as directed.
  4. Be sure to discard all brushes, combs, and hair accessories.
  5. Remove the nits from the hair. This is a very difficult task and requires time and patience. There are products that help loosen the nits from the hair.
  6. Strip all beds and wash blankets, sheets, and pillows in hot water.
  7. Wash all coats and hats.
  8. Put stuffed animals in a plastic bag and tie shut for two weeks.
  9. Sweep all carpets, sofa, chairs, and car seats.
We understand that there are many steps to this process to eliminate head lice. It is vitally important that all steps are followed and carried out in order for the cycle to be broken.
Good nutrition is important in order for your child to grow in a healthy manner and to do their best in school. Little Giants Preschool provides 1/3 of your child’s daily nutritional requirements. If your child is in a morning class he/she will be offered breakfast. If your child is in an afternoon class he/she will receive lunch. If your child is in the full-day class he/she will be offered breakfast and lunch. Your child may bring a sack breakfast and lunch from home that follows our sack lunch policy. If you are interested in bringing your child’s lunch, please communicate with the Health Coordinator. Because we strive to have nutritious food in our centers, please check with the staff before sending any special treats with your child.
Due to State Board of Health Requirement, all food served to children must be prepared in a licensed kitchen. All food items must be prepackaged. All food items must be prepackaged (purchased, not made at home).
If your child has special dietary needs, parents should communicate with the Health Coordinator. Some areas of concern that you might have are weight issues, inadequate diet, food allergies, and eating problems. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s nutrition or the meals served at school, please feel free to talk to your teacher, the Health Coordinator or the Program Director.  

Social Services Information

Our staff members are dedicated advocates for children and families. They work with other community agencies to make sure that the needs of our families will be heard and acted upon.
If you need assistance in any of the following areas, please talk to your child’s teacher or Program Director:
  • Food
  • Parenting
  • Clothing
  • Counseling/Behavioral Help
  • Shelter
  • Emergency Assistance
  • Utility payment help
  • Adult Education (GED)    
  • Budgeting or credit clean-up
  • Other miscellaneous needs
Little Giants staff members offer support and help facilitate necessary communication between the school, home, and community agencies.
Additionally, click here to review our resource guide related to the topics above.
Good attendance for your child is extremely important. You can help by making sure your child attends on a regular basis. The attendance policy will be reviewed with you, and you will be asked to sign it. If your child is unable to attend school, please call your child’s school to report the absence each day your child is absent. See the Absence Reporting section toward the top of this page for details on making such reports. 
After two consecutive days of absence without notice, an attempt will be made to determine the reason for your child’s absence from school and to offer assistance as needed. In the event of the unexcused absences and irregular attendance, you will be contacted personally by a staff member to discuss the situation and possible solutions. 
Arriving to school on time each day is very important. Children are expected to be on time when they arrive at school. The morning class and full day class begin at 7:40 a.m. and the afternoon class begins at 11:25 a.m. Children arriving after 7:55 a.m. in the morning class or 11:35 a.m. in the afternoon class will be considered tardy.  
Ensuring children arrive at school on time each day is very important. It is also very important that children are picked up on time each day. Each session has a stated dismissal period and all children should be picked up during this time each day. Little Giants Preschool does understand and recognize that emergency situations arrive and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to share this policy with all people that will be picking up children from Little Giants Preschool. 
Any time Marion Community Schools are closed, your child’s Little Giants Preschool will be closed. 
If Marion Community Schools are delayed for two hours, the morning session will not meet. The afternoon sessions will meet on a regular schedule. The full day classes will meet two hours later than the original start time. 
If Marion Community Schools dismiss early due to inclement weather, the afternoon classes will not meet.
Click here for more information about delays and closings, including where you can get those announcements.
Little Giants has always been an advocate for the care and protection of children. By Indiana law, Little Giants staff members are required to report any known or suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to the Department of Children’s Services. Little Giants occasionally needs to make such reports. In such cases we try to provide whatever support or assistance we can. We recognize that being a parent/guardian is difficult with a lot of pressure and few easy answers; we encourage parents to seek assistance before problems get out of hand.
Marion Community Schools Little Giants staff members are obligated to follow the Indiana State Code (31-34-1) and report all suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. Nothing relieves any staff member from the responsibility of reporting suspected child abuse and /or neglect as required by the law. Under Indiana law, any person who reports suspected child abuse and/or neglect in good faith is immune from discharge, retaliation, or other disciplinary action for that reason alone, unless it is proven that the report was intended to do harm, as well as civil liability or criminal penalty.
A Little Giants parent/guardian or volunteer whose name appears on the Indiana sexual offender list will not be allowed to volunteer in any Little Giants Preschool classroom. 
All information about families and children in the Little Giants Preschool Program is strictly confidential. Staff members and parents/guardians are not permitted to discuss facts about the families or children outside of the program. Being confidential protects not only yourself, but also the rights of others. All Little Giants Preschool student information is kept in locked files.
Parents/guardians are the most important influence on their child’s development. An important part of every Little Giants Preschool program is the involvement of parents/guardians in the operation of the program. Parents/guardians are encouraged to become involved in family events, parent workshops, and assist Little Giant staff members in the classrooms. 
Little Giants Preschool depends on each family’s involvement in their child’s school experience. We want you to be an active participant in your child’s education because you, the parent/guardian, are his/her most important teacher. In an effort to ensure the safety of the children, all volunteers will be asked to agree to a criminal background check. Appropriate language should be used in the classroom at all times. Little Giants Preschool offers many different opportunities for parents / guardians to volunteer. Parent/guardian volunteers in the classroom are invaluable. They can share their skills with the children, assist the teacher in activities, and also spend quality time with their child as he/she plays and learns.  
The following types of activities might fit into your schedule for volunteering if you are in school or at work while your child is at Little Giants Preschool. Ideas include:

Parent Education
  • Family Events
  • Parent Workshops
At-home Activities
  • Preparation work for the teacher; such as cutting, stapling, coloring, etc.
  • Parent Meetings
  • Policy Council 
To support a healthy environment for children, staff and families, a smoke free/vape free policy exists. This policy is in effect at ANY LITTLE GIANTS PRESCHOOL SUPPORTED ACTIVITY.
Each family requesting enrollment in Little Giants Preschool is evaluated for eligibility by the following guidelines:
  • To be age-eligible, children must be 3 years old
  • Must live in Grant County
  • Little Giants Preschool serves children with disabilities
Little Giants Preschool has four different funding sources that enable students to attend the preschool at little to no cost.
  • Funded by the Federal Government
  • Families must meet income guidelines
  • Child must be at least 3 years old and not age-eligible for kindergarten
  • Child  must live in Grant County
  • Classes are at the 4 Marion elementary buildings
  • Funded by a State Grant
  • Families must meet income guidelines
  • All adults in the home must be working or attending school
  • Child must be 4 years old by August 1, 2023
  • Child must live in Grant County
  • Classes are at the 4 Marion elementary buildings
  • Federal funds allocated by Marion Community Schools
  • $400/year registration fee for full day, $200/year registration fee for ½ day
  • No income guidelines
  • Child must be at least 3 years old by August 1, 2023
  • Child must be planning on attending Marion Community Schools for kindergarten
  • Classes are at the 4 Marion elementary buildings
  • Must be 3 years old
  • Child must live in the Marion Community Schools district
  • Child must qualify through MCS Special Services
What Can Parents Expect?
  • To be recognized as my child’s primary educator and as such make decisions regarding his/her education.
  • To always be treated with respect and dignity.
  • To be informed regularly about my child’s progress in the program.
  • To expect guidance from teachers and staff that will enhance my child’s development.
  • To be able to learn about the operation of the program.
  • To be informed about community resources involving health, education, and social services, for the improvement of my family life.
  • To express my concerns by contacting my child’s teacher.
  • To have regular communication about my child’s preschool experience through class newsletters, program newsletters, quarterly parent meetings, and parent/teacher conferences.
  • To share my culture in developmentally appropriate ways.
What Are a Parent’s Responsibilities?
  • To follow all Marion Community Schools rules.
  • To follow procedures and have my child dropped off and picked up at assigned times.
  • To set a pattern of daily school attendance.
  • To call the school whenever my child will be late or absent from school.
  • To take part in the classroom as an observer, a volunteer, or a paid employee, while encouraging other parents to participate and volunteer.
  • To work with teachers and staff in a cooperative and respectful manner.
  • To work with teachers and staff, should a Behavior Plan be needed for my child.
  • To guide my child with love and respect.
  • To utilize community resources that help to improve health, education, and safety.
  • To participate in parent meetings and parent/teacher conferences so that I can stay informed about activities in the classroom.
  • To maintain my child’s immunization, health, and dental records (requirement for Head Start students).
  • To provide the program with constructive criticism and solutions for improvement.
  • To take advantage of programs designed to increase my knowledge of child development and enhance my parenting skills.
  • To participate in virtual learning if the center or classroom is closed due to state or federal regulations due to the COVID-19 Pandemic OR if the school schedules or defaults to eLearning days.

PLEASE NOTE: All Student Handbook information on these linked pages apply to all Marion Community Schools buildings, unless otherwise noted.


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